2D Pictures of Valve Boxes

Here is a collection of [ flat scans of ] old and not so old valve boxes. I like them for the graphics, some of which I think are exceptional . This is not intended to be an invitation to 'print your own` The image quality is probably not good enough for that, anyway it would be easier to scan in the real thing.

Alphabetical List

Philips group - Mullard, Valvo, Philips etc.

G.E.C. group - Marconi, Osram, G.E.C., Gold Lion etc.

Thorn EMI group - Mazda, Ediswan, Brimar etc.

U.S. makers - GE, RCA, Sylvania, etc.

Reboxers - Haltron, Zaerix, Pinnacle, etc.

Modern Russian - Svetlana, Sovtek.  

Other Manufacturers - Lorenz, Tungsram, etc.

[ These are Andy's original scans of his valve / tube box collection, made in about 2002, before he decided to take 3D pictures - DWK ]
