Andy J Cowley, M1EBV
29th March 1948 - 23rd April 2012
Andy was licenced as M1EBV (Class B, VHF only) in 1998. He also
took out the Foundation licence M3ABC on 1st Jan 2002, thereby
obtaining low power access to the HF bands until the abolition
of the Morse requirement in August 2003. After that, he retained
the callsign M3ABC but mainly operated on HF as M1EBV.
He was a computer systems administrator
at the University of the West of England (UWE) from the 1980s
until his retirement in 2011, after which he continued to work
at UWE part time.
Copyright © Andy Cowley 2000 - 2012
All pages and articles marked as copyright © 2000 - 2012
by Andy Cowley can be freely used or copied under a
GNU GPL provided that you either provide
an unaltered copy or a direct link to the original source of the file or web page. The moral right of Andy Cowley to be recognised
as the author is asserted.
Images marked as copyright © 2000 - 2012 by Andy Cowley,
M1EBV, are licenced to you under a
Creative Commons License.
Use for commercial purposes of any part of this website or any
component of it, is expressly forbidden, unless you have obtained
formal permission. Usually a link and an acknowledgement is all
that is required. Commercial use includes, but is not limited
to, any activity where the user, creator, owner or other person,
organisation, or business responsible for the use of an item
from this web site has any pecuniary, monetary or otherwise beneficial
interest in any activity associated, linked, concerned or advertised
in, on or by the web page or other item using the image, text
or data. Commercial use includes, for instance, the use of any
image or part thereof on eBay.
Copyright © David W Knight 2000 - present
On some of Andy Cowley's pages you will also find an additional
copyright notice by David Knight. This is because I have made
non-trivial additions to the information to the page. The term
of Andy's original copyright still apply, but the required attribution
must now identify both authors.
Andy Cowley, Porthmelon, Cornwall, 1992. Photo: © Dave Knight.